Google Ads

What is Google Ads?

Probably you landed here to learn Google Ads. I’ll share my practices and outcome with you, which would help you decide how to proceed in this field.

Google Ads (Adword) is one of the most important advertising platforms we need to know. Among all search engines comprising Bing (2.17%), Yahoo (2.32%), Yandex (0.6%) Goole has the highest 92.74% of the share. If we could develop a strong understanding of Google ads, believe me, that is going to be a goldmine for us.

Nobody can master everything and I do not expect that from you. But can I expect- To know a few must-know tricks and techniques along with the most popular practices in Google Ads which can lead to producing a great profit (condition: if used properly).

Here is a series of lessons which will cover all the practices that are popular in the market. I personally suggest you should go through it all. If you already know that, you can skip that thing.


  • What is the use of learning – Google Ads
  • How many types of Ads are there in Google Ads
  • Which Google Ad is Best for you
  • How to decide the keyword for your Ad – Keyword Planner
  • How to make an Ad on Google Ad
  • Important factors to rank on Google
  • How to increase CTR
  • Type of Ad extension and its usage
  • How to design an Ideal landing page for Google Ad


  • How to check your ad rank on Google
  • How to know your competitor’s ad – Market Insight report
  • Know the Google Ads statistics


  •  How to outrank the competition
  • Chrome Google Ad extension
  • Conversion tracking in Google ads
  • Top 5 Chrome Extension for Google Ad

I have tried to cover the common questions in the following tips, that can pop up about Google Ad while reading this article –

Q1) Top 10 benefits of learning Google ads.